Деякі помилки для Try - except у Python




except Exception as varname:




Some specific exceptions (Lengthy but time-saving )- 

ArithmeticError - Raised when an error occurs in numeric calculations

AssertionError - Raised when an assert statement fails

AttributeError - Raised when attribute reference or assignment fails

Exception - Base class for all exceptions

EOFError - Raised when the input() method hits an "end of file" condition (EOF)

FloatingPointError - Raised when a floating point calculation fails

GeneratorExit - Raised when a generator is closed (with the close() method)

ImportError - Raised when an imported module does not exist

IndentationError - Raised when indendation is not correct

IndexError - Raised when an index of a sequence does not exist

KeyError - Raised when a key does not exist in a dictionary

KeyboardInterrupt - Raised when the user presses Ctrl+c, Ctrl+z or Delete

LookupError - Raised when errors raised cant be found

MemoryError - Raised when a program runs out of memory

NameError - Raised when a variable does not exist

NotImplementedError - Raised when an abstract method requires an inherited class to override the method

OSError - Raised when a system related operation causes an error

OverflowError - Raised when the result of a numeric calculation is too large

ReferenceError - Raised when a weak reference object does not exist

RuntimeError - Raised when an error occurs that do not belong to any specific expections

StopIteration - Raised when the next() method of an iterator has no further values

SyntaxError - Raised when a syntax error occurs

TabError - Raised when indentation consists of tabs or spaces

SystemError - Raised when a system error occurs

SystemExit - Raised when the sys.exit() function is called

TypeError - Raised when two different types are combined

UnboundLocalError - Raised when a local variable is referenced before assignment

UnicodeError - Raised when a unicode problem occurs

UnicodeEncodeError - Raised when a unicode encoding problem occurs

UnicodeDecodeError - Raised when a unicode decoding problem occurs

UnicodeTranslateError - Raised when a unicode translation problem occurs

ValueError - Raised when there is a wrong value in a specified data type

ZeroDivisionError - Raised when the second operator in a division is zero

